Yoyoyo it it YOUR BOY Tootster. You may know me/us/them/zee from the famous movie such as:


In 2016 I created facebook and that fucking rat basterd mark stole my goddamn idea

We were also created in a laboritory in serbia in 2017 (draw my life cumming soon)

I have commited several warcrimes in argentina in the years spanning between 1926 and 1986

The Tootster channel is actually shared between two people! (Im the animator with the sqeaky high voice)
the other guy is the one with the deeper voice, hes pretty cool to I think.

This is what I look like ^^^


So like, I am fucking sick and tired of all these corpo bastards on the core web talking about "web 3.0" and "The Internet of Things" and that just sucks ass tbh.
I know thats not really anything special (after all, why are *you* here??) Its mostly just a project I'm doing for fun and to learn html, which I think is super cool!!!
Alough its not really a big "political" thing, as I am your average Zoomer and I am absolutely obsessed with early 2000's internet and the wild west that was Tumblr at the time.
In short, I'm basically just a gigantic fucking poser that dosn't have any real reason to drool over the slow, inconvenent, and overated age if the web and I should just kms.

But wait! That's just my opinion on the *web*, what about my other opinions I have, yay! Opinions! I want this to be some sort of creative art project thingy, to just be
cringy as possible in some cases, I never really liked cringe culture anyways, after all it's not your life. I used to be a fucking loser mannnn! I would only use Reddit and litaraly
YELL at classmates in middle school about them useing instagram (I'm so sorry Gavin.) This site is a HUGE WIP and I sinceraly hope that it gets very swaggy and cool soon enough.