My Blog!

Expect to see autistic shit occasionally spattered against the cosmos of the web here!

Worldbuilding is neat, innit? Thursday, March 14, 2024

God I am typeing this LATE! Aprox. 12:34 Am, but that really isn't that late, spring break and all. The air is just so lovely this time of year, to hear birdsong once again is just... it feels uplifting in a way, as pretentionus this sounds. The reason for such a late entery is I feel a bit at a predicament: I have alot of *ideas*, but I have nowhere to put them. More specificaly I want to author a work, a work in which I have been worldbuilding for the funz for the past two-so years. Dunno what to call that world, but its pretty cool. Prehaps I could add it to the website somehow? I wanna learn more about html and stuff, make it look all JAZZY, but I don't have the time.

I have ALL the time in fact.

Alas is the plight of the artist! I think once I finally get to redoing the main menu I could add a link that leads to a mini-site, call it something cool and dedicate it to my world I'm makeing. But BY GOD is it going to make my folder messy as all hell. Part of me wants to add some form of feedback, but I have a bad feeling about posting my email out to the world (mostly becase it has my real name in it lol.) I hope this worldbuilding stuff amounts to something, as fun as worldbuilding for the sake of worldbuilding is...

First "Post"! Monday, March 11, 2024

Hi guyz! It me, ya boy. I still feel a little weird about calling myself under a pseudonym, as "Tootster" was actually made up by my brother! So it almost feels like Im riffing off his style, ya' know? Plus, it dosn't really feel like me either also... I will probally come up with something, but in the mean time I am just puting something out there onto the web. This place is neat isn't it? You can just say and do whatever you like, as long as it isn't, ya know, ILLEGAL or anything, but we will keep that between you and me hehe... I'm still trying to figure out all of this HTML stuff to, wide as a puddle, deep as a ocean I guess. My main recent goal is to "remaster" the home page, and in the sake of preserving the oldest parts of my page (I made most of that stuff when I was JUST figureing out this HTML stuff) I took a screen shot of it! It small I know but just open the image in a new tab and it should look fine.

Hey theres no big hot sweaty oiled up men here? GO BACK!